
Pokračování populárních přednášek z minulého roku

8. 1. 2021
Success - Go GET IT!


Zkuste se zamyslet nad novými tématy z jiného úhlu pohledu. Jak říkají Angličané “ Think out of the box”. Nahlédnout můžete pod pokličku následujících témat a opět ZDARMA!

Personal Statement: Learn how to get started on your CV/resume and your personal statement for university applications.
Government’s fiscal response to COVID 19: Learn how the current COVID19 pandemic affects not only today but also the future
Time: Learn how people measured time throughout history. Is it possible to travel through time?
Music of English: Music instruction helps the learners successfully employ English rhythm, assimilation, elision and other linking aspects.

14.1.2021  – UK Government Fiscal Response to Covid-19 – an example of how policy in economics can steer economic stability
24.1 + 4.2.  – Time and it’s discovery
21.2.2021  – Resume / CV and Personal Statements for University
25.2.2021  – UK Government Fiscal Response to Covid-19 – an example of how policy in economics can steer economic stability
7.3.2021    – The Music of English Connected Speech: How and Why Singing Affects EFL Learners’ Pronunciation
18.3.2021 – Resume / CV and Personal Statements for University
28.3.2021  – The Music of English Connected Speech: How and Why Singing Affects EFL Learners’ Pronunciation


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